Silver Medal Award Nomination Form

All submissions must be submitted by Friday, July 27th. Please remit to Heather Johnson at:

About the Silver Medal

The American Advertising Federation’s Silver Medal Award was established in 1959 to recognize outstanding members of the Advertising community. This award is chosen by a panel of past Silver Medalists to honor an individual’s contribution in the advertising field who have been active in furthering the industry’s standards, in displaying creative excellence, and in demonstrating responsibility in areas of social concern. The first AAFT Silver Medal was awarded to Fellis Carnley in 1974. Annually, AAFT bestows this honor upon an outstanding member of the Tallahassee advertising community and is the club’s highest honor.

Silver Medal Award Criteria

A panel of judges from each local club selects Silver Medal recipients. Judges use the following criteria when making their selections:

  • Contribution to His/Her Company – The recipient must have achieved success in one of the following areas of work: advertising agency, advertiser, media or advertising service
  • Creative Ability – The recipient must have shown a consistent, high degree of original thinking in their field.
  • Contributions to the General Advancement of Advertising – The recipient must have worked to increase the stature and raise the standards of the advertising profession.
  • Contributions to the Community – The recipient should be someone who has been active in civic, religious, or other groups dedicated to human or social welfare.

The 2011 Silver Medal Award Reception was held June 9, 2011 at the Southwood House. Our 2011 Silver Medal Award was presented to:

Jon D. Brown Public Information Officer, Leon County Commission
Jon Brown serves as the Public Information Officer for Leon County. He has a background in Civil and Software Engineering and trained at the Kennedy Space Center and the Jet Propulsion Laboratory, and he is a founder of The Midnight Group, a website development outfit. A graduate of Florida A&M University, he served as the Chairman of Midnight Holdings, founded the North Florida Multicultural Marketing Symposium and the Multicultural Marketing Student Forum, and assisted in the creation of the Technical Symposium Development Council. Jon also served as President of the Greater Tallahassee Advertising Federation and is a Board of Directors member for the Fourth District American Advertising Federation.

Past Silver Medal Award Recipients

1974 ‐ Fellis Carnley
1977 ‐ Susan Hove
1978 ‐ Bill Boydston
1979 ‐ Carol Ann Boydston
1980 ‐ Fellis Carnley
1983 ‐ Chal Crowell
1984 ‐ Don Keyes
1985 ‐ Lynne Stephenson
1986 ‐ John Evans
1987 ‐ Len Taliaferro
1988 ‐ Peter Mitchell
1989 ‐ Judy Newsome
1991 ‐ Duane Franceschi
1992 ‐ Gene Deckerhoff
1993 ‐ Frank Watson
1994 ‐ Maureen Thompson
1995 ‐ Bob Carnley
1996 ‐ Tyler Wold
1997 ‐ John Burns
1998 ‐ Karen Moore
1999 ‐ Richard Rice
2000 ‐ Lee Ann Franceschi
2001 ‐ Rick Oppenheim
2002 ‐ Anna Johnson Riedel
2003 ‐ John Goodson
2004 ‐ Heather Johnson
2005 ‐ Belinda Bininger
2006 ‐ Tod Thomas
2007 ‐ Mike Vasilinda
2008 ‐ Tom Tomasi
2009 – Ron Sachs
2010 – Jerry Kidd
2011 – Jon Brown